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how do you like to make your fps levels?

I put alot of thought into my combat encounters but I rely too heavily on you walk into a room and fight a bunch of guys.
do you prefer monster closets? or enemies spawning into the room? or switches which cause enemies to appear.

do you prefer abstract combat arenas like doom or more realistic areas like duke 3d?

Level design is not my strong suit because I over think it way too much but I have seen these to videos in the past that really helped. Just fundamentals of enemy encounters and level design that really make you think.

If it bleeds, We can kill it.

My first project (WINDSCALE:Meltdown) is being created around a road-tile system to map out an area, it's based outdoors, then I add block-tiles to make buildings and add models for detail. Finally I add the enemies and pickups. My thinking is to teleport the player (when they open doors to buildings) to new maps (one for each building interior) - then back to the main level when they exit the building. For enemies, I plan to use a spawner system (like gauntlet) - where new enemies spawn until the spawner is destroyed. I'll cap the max number of enemies using variables (to stop overpopulation). I'm making simple puzzles with parkour, the player has to crawl or jump to reach certain areas.
How scripting looks to dyslexics:       if the statement below = "true"
                                                         then the statement above == $false           {Else the game will crash

I used the same method in Vanyr, just make sure you teleport the player to the correct coordinates and rotation when returning to the main map.
If it bleeds, We can kill it.

(02-15-2025, 09:36 AM)Pixelwolf Wrote: I used the same method in Vanyr, just make sure you teleport the player to the correct coordinates and rotation when returning to the main map.

Thanks for the tip! Glad to hear it's possible.
How scripting looks to dyslexics:       if the statement below = "true"
                                                         then the statement above == $false           {Else the game will crash

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