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DEAD TRASH – A Digitized FPS with 90s Grit

Dead Trash started as a small project for an game jam in the summer of 2024, built in just two weeks. As a kid, I was fascinated by games that used digitized actors, like Mortal Kombat, TekWar, and Rise of the Triad. Back then, I thought this technique looked more real than most 3D games, and I hoped it would evolve into something even better, like playing a movie.

This project was my chance to bring that vision to life. Inspired by 90s FPS classics and B-Horror action movies, Dead Trash delivers visceral gunplay, weighty weapons, and brutal, gooey gore. 

Every shot feels powerful, enemies crumble into blood and chunks, and the atmosphere is thick with grimy decay. The game features real actors and replica weapons, mixed with edited 3D prop assets to achieve a unique, immersive style.
What started as a jam experiment quickly grew into something bigger, a high-intensity, blood-soaked shooter where every fight feels raw and impactful.

This is the kind of game I always wanted to play. 

So I made it.


Years into a brutal lockdown, a once-thriving city lies in ruins, abandoned by its government and overrun by vicious, mindless infected. 
Grab your hammer, collect your nerves and enter the mayhem.

Releasing on STEAM March 11 2025

Really loved the demo level. Great atmosphere, good selection of weapons (the box-cutter is class) and the graphics are really well thought out. I was hoping it would win the game-Jam.
How scripting looks to dyslexics:       if the statement below = "true"
                                                         then the statement above == $false           {Else the game will crash

It just hits right! you have done an awesome job with this game mate!
If it bleeds, We can kill it.

most excellent

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